vigyaapan kee pranaalee example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word vigyaapan kee pranaalee usage in english sentences. The examples of vigyaapan kee pranaalee are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., advertising.

Her marketing department also has to be briefed in time to prepare their promotional and advertising campaigns.

As you have read in the chapter on advertising, branded goods are expensive, often promoted by advertising and claims of better quality.
Transport, banking, insurance, warehousing, and advertising are regarded as auxiliaries to trade, i.e., activities playing a supportive role.
He then spent Rs _______ for advertising in the media, and another Rs _______ per shirt on storage, display and all other charges.
International trade in services such as international travel and tourism, transportation, communication, banking, warehousing, distribution and advertising has considerably grown.
Transport, trade, banking, insurance and advertising are examples of tertiary activities.
Meanwhile the soft drinks giants have been continuously advertising and trying to convince the consumers about the safety of their products.
In this chapter, we will focus on the two advertisements that you see above to understand what advertising does and how it works.
Have you ever heard of the word brand? Advertising is all about building brands.
It is, therefore, important to know how advertising works and understand what it does before we choose to buy the products that advertisements sell.
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